
Innovative VR training/learning methodology for teachers and trainers. An on-boarding material in form of a pdf containing necessary knowledge about the technology itself and the methodology for educators to use it.
A manual for design, implementation and evaluation of VR in classes. The manual is the application of the methodology into an actual training manual addressed both to educators.
Virtual Reality
VR experience
The TeachINVR project will also develop a VR experience for educators. This experience will provide hands-on training in a simulator aimed at the educators. The contents of the VR course will be a practical application of the Methodology and the Manual.
Guide for teachers
TO-DO list
Educators can use the Guide in case they do not have time to go through the materials (Methodology and Manual). It is a sort of a checklist or a To-do list for educators. The Guide links back to the previous materials pointing to the chapters where educators can find more detailed information.